Don’t stop the music


Despite his vow to take some time off, Richard has not been able to stop the music…

It was during lockdown that the Durrant family first set up the Pollinator Cafe in their garden by the sea in Shoreham, and over the past few weeks this has been the setting for some pretty unusual happenings and impromptu gigs.  Despite his vow to take time off this August, Richard has not been able to resist playing music.

Recent Monday mornings have begun with DJ Andy Remus and his 78rpm, wind-up gramophone.

Early swimmers and coffee lovers are greeted by his collection of light opera classics and Doris Day hits. 

On Thursdays, Richard has taken to setting up his posh PA speakers in the garden to play gentle, chill out music whilst people float about in the sea and families sit and enjoy locally made ice cream and other Pollinator delights. 

Then each Friday afternoon Richard began inviting various mates along for a jam. Master fiddler Nick Pynn (pictured top with Richard) turned up for a folk session and world class virtuoso harpsichordist Howard Beach and Richard revisited their 2014 album of Vivaldi and Bach.  Under spaghetti western skies the notes flew out across the incoming tide

In September, Richard returned to work to play two concerts to include music from his latest album The Sleep of a King.

On Saturday 3 September he was at the truly wonderful Hailsham Pavilion as part of the Hailsham Festival in Sussex.

On Thursday 22nd Sept Richard will be playing at the Art Sant Roch gallery in Céret, near the Pyrénées in the South of France.

The town is currently hosting an exhibition of new work by the English artist Jon Everitt including the artwork from Richard’s latest  album The Sleep of a King. Also on display at the concert will be Jon’s beautiful sculpture of the eponymous Sleeping King himself.

In the gap between concerts Richard and Louise will host their 9th French Guitar Adventurers holiday at The French Retreat, near Bordeaux France. 

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